Death of a Friend

The sound startled Tang Yifei and Tang Yuanqin. They both jerked their heads to the side toward the direction of the speaker.

They watched as a young man with his hands linked behind his back descended upon them. He flew over the tall walls with protruding barbed wire that encircled the mansion and stepped down from the sky as if walking on an invisible stairs. Rain droplets shattered against an invisible shield that surrounded his body and formed a halo of silvery mist around the young man's body.

"Please accept my humble greetings, Master Chen. "

Tang Yuanqin's body started to shake uncontrollably as soon as he recognized Chen Fan. Fear mixed with joy roiled inside of his heart. Meanwhile, the sight of Chen Fan had stunned Tang Yifei as she turned into a statue and gaped at Chen Fan. Her eyes were filled with infatuation and adoration.

"You are finally back."