Without Looking Back

"General Ye of Kunlun"

A deadly silence fell over the room as soon as the name was evoked.

The footsoldiers of the Dark Moon might not comprehend the significance of the name, but Lin Tashan and Jiang Yinyue felt every ounce of its impact, so much so that they called him General Ye instead of using his full name.

"He is a real legend. A force to be reckoned with even among the Immortal Level Overlords."

Jiang Yinyue lowered her head and murmured to herself.

"Hehe, he had kicked Hong Sect out of China, defeated Dragon Hall, quashed the Square Tower and forced my family into seclusion. By now, he has been presiding over China for more than six decades and he must have reveled in every second of it. Among his offsprings, Ye Nantian seemed to be his most likely successor. They might have their day now, but the Lin Family would avenge our defeat sooner or later."

Lin Tashan let out a burst of cold laughter as a golden light glinted in his eyes.