Is He Chen Fan?


The voice came among a large crowd that was spilling into the courtyard. The leader of the crowd, was also the speaker, he was a man of imposing manner. The sight of his man lit up An Zaichen and An Tianfen's face with glee.


The man was the Chairman of Ans Group's board of directors, An Tianshu. Standing beside him was Lord An himself An Zaiqin, and An Yuqin, Hou Fangyu and many other leaders of the An family. There were also a few guests mixed in among familiar faces.

"Hey dip shit! Our family lord and Chairman are here. What can you do now?"

An Tianfen grinned and asked coldly.

An Ruoxi covered her mouth and squeezed her eyes closed as she ran to hide behind An Ya. However, An Yuqin had already spotted her. The young woman dragged An Ruoxi by the ear and pulled her out from her cover.

"Did you do this?"