The An Family's Repentance

Lord An led the way as Chen Fan and An Ya made their way to the main guest hall. When he first arrived at the An family residence, everyone had looked down on him, except for the silly girl An Yuqin.

But now, his treatment had improved by leaps and bounds.

The chairman of the Ans Group, An Tianshu lead the way, while Wu Shegnhu and An Zaiqin flanked the brother and sister pair, reminding them even the smallest bump on the ground with unctuous smiles. Behind them was a group of tycoons and other leaders of the An family. As for An Ya's grandparents, uncles and aunties, they weren't even important enough to be in the crowd. They stood in fear and watched An Ya from a distance.

Many people, including An Yuqin looked at An Ya with jealousy.