Claiming the Seat of Power in Zhong Hai

The main hall was huge in size.

It was a few hundred meters long and a dozen meters wide, almost the same size as a Church. Even as they entered the hall, the servants reset the table and brought out new dishes.

The Hua family had hired a group of cooks from a five-star hotel to cook for the banquet, and the food on Chen Fan's table were all works of art from a highly acclaimed cook in the group.

"Immortal Master Chen, your presence had brought prestige and respect to my household. For that, I shall thank you and toast in your name! Drink up!" Hua Yunfeng rose from his chair with a crystal cup in his hand. The amber-colored content in the cup gives off an intoxicating fragrance.

This was from a vintage that the Hua Family had kept in its wine cellar for nearly a hundred years. Lord Hua had ordered its use only because Chen Fan was here.

Chen Fan sat in his chair and took a sip from his cup, without even acknowledge Lord Hua.