He Is A God

The City of Naypyitaw.

Although it is the capital of Myanmar, it has a population of less than a million, less than most Chinese third tier cities. The city just incorporated cell phone signal in 2009 and before that, the local residents had to rely on landlines to talk to each other.

The state of relative underdevelopment was mostly due to Myanmar's economy.

Myanmar's GDP was less than that of a Chinese province, if not a Chinese city. Its state of economic development was at least thirty years behind that of China. Only one in two hundred people have a landline and a cellphone was considered a luxury, a status symbol for the rich and the powerful.

Meanwhile, inside Myanmar's National Defense Department…

Military officers fumbled to answer many phones that rang at the same time.

"Enemy had breached the ninth defense line. The Fourth Infantry Division was defeated, General Yuke was killed."