The Gathering of Grandmasters

After one night of resting at Kuching, the expedition into the jungles of Island of Borneo finally started.

The traveler could see people on the winding path from time to time at the beginning of the journey, but that soon changed as they traversed deeper into the forest. After a while, they were the only humans in the untamed wilderness. Meanwhile, the other travelers also became increasingly more suspicious of Chen Fan.

"Are you sure you don't need any supplies while traveling in the jungle?"

Curiosity besting caution, Guo Nuannuan asked.

"It's just a small patch of the jungle, no big deal." Chen Fan replied readily.

His offhand remark had rubbed everyone including Guo Nuannuan the wrong way. The jungle of Borneo was riddled with deadly critters as well as poisonous bugs. Only a fool would barge into the jungle without any preparation.

However, Uncle Xie gazed at the ancient sword strapped on the back of Yukishiro Sa thoughtfully.