Killing An Immortal State Warrior

Immortal State Warriors were powerful cultivators who could dominate an entire nation. Although Myanmar and Malaysia were small nations compared to the United States, or France, they were a formidable nation in their own right.

However, Chen Fan had defeated three Immortal State Warriors in a row right before everyone's naked eyes.

This was unheard of.

The thunder he summoned was a particularly terrifying sight for the Gong Tau Masters since their Magus curses had made them vulnerable to the power of lightning.

"What a shame."

Despite Chen Fan's victory, he heaved a sigh and put away the Thunder Talisman.

The Art of Thousand Thunders was among the most potent Qi Refinement Stage spells. It covered a swath of land as big as seven football fields. It was almost as powerful as the Fuel Air Explosive.