The Beginning of the Showdown

"Yes, Master. "

A'Xiu jumped up in excitement. Her eyes stared at the sky without blinking. She hadn't seen Chen Fan for many years, and despite the huge changes in Chen Fan's appearance, she was still able to recognize him.

"I am relieved that Xiao Fan is safe."

Wang Xiaoyun rubbed her chest and heaved a sigh of relief.

"That indeed is the sect master, he is finally back!"

The Perfected Cultivators from the Dark Witch Chapter, Hua Family, and the Lu Family all looked toward the man in the sky. He was the backbone of the North Qiong, and with him around, no one could defeat the North Qiong Sect.

Xiao Fan…

An Ya and Fang Qiong both cast a longing look at Chen Fan.

Fang Qiong had been separated from Chen Fan for three years and had only seen him once during that time. She missed him greatly. The long-overdue reunion and Chen Fan's show of divine strength had filled Fang Qiong's heart with joy.