Power of the Godfiend

"Why is it thundering?"

Residents of the Dragon View's Garden ran out from their homes and looked at the top of the mountain with a confused look.

Yunwu Mountain was always shrouded in mist throughout the year, and it became even worse after Chen Fan set up the Misty Cloud Array. Although he had already removed it, the mist couldn't be cleared in a short period of time due to the change in topography. On top of that, the vapor from the Yangui Lake kept pouring in, making the peak extremely misty.

"Has a numinous treasure appeared? Or was an immortal born at the peak?"

Some of them began to guess.

Bombing sounds rang; purple and rainbow lights appeared on the top of Yunwu Mountain. It indeed looked as if something magical had happened.

"You've been surfing too much of the Internet," someone rebuked, "I think Master Chen is back. That's where he lives, so I'm sure he's returned."

Everyone was immediately silent.