Whoever Stops Me Dies!


Damon was frightened by Chen Fan's earth-splitting attack, so he swiftly fell back to avoid it. Yet, how astonishing were Chen Fan's attacks while overtaken by fury? The world was filled with the thunderous roar of the blade; it produced sparks while it flashed through the air.

The sound of the blade was overwhelming! It moved three times faster than the speed of sound.


Damon didn't escape in time and was split in half by the blade aura. Half of his body was minced. Although he quickly turned into a crimson mist as he tried to recover, Chen Fan didn't give him any chances.


Chen Fan yelled.

The blade aura made another pass and split the crimson mist into four.

Even an immortal body could perish after being minced, not to mention that Damon only had a Kindred's body and it wasn't even close to being immortal.

"Help!!!" Damon screamed.