The Arbitration Department Has Risen

The quarrel between Li Xinru and Richard was originally their own business, but it would be different if they dragged Chen Fan in.

Chen Fan watched this indifferently with a glass of wine in his hand.

The European Union invited him to a cocktail party especially organized for him, so they should have arranged everything perfectly. Since such a big problem emerged, they should be embarrassed about it. Chen Fan didn't mind killing in the venue. He was only waiting for the European Union to deal with it.

"Strange, why are there Chinese people in a prestigious venue at the WYN? Are they heirs of the major families in China?"

"One of them seems to be a Chinese starlet who's been working in the European entertainment industry. Did she offend Richard?"

"Poor little girl. Who doesn't know the Timmons?"

People either shook their heads, sneered or gloated.