Lesser Five Elements Thunder

A shrieking sound pierced through space and reverberated.

However, the actual projectile coming out from the cannon traveled much faster than the sound. As soon as Chen Fan's Divine Will registered the sound wave, the pulse of electromagnetic plasma had already reached Chen Fan.


Chen Fan didn't dodge this time, instead he produced the Divine Seal.

Five Thunder Seal!

The Five-Elemental Divine Seal had been created based on the Five Elements Immortal Sect's artifact of the same name. It originated from the five elements but was more than the sum of each. Five patches glowed, each with a different color, and circulated around the Five-Elemental Divine Seal.

"Crack, crack."

The crackling sound quickly filled up the space. As soon as the Divine Seal appeared, the Five-Elemental Essence Qi started to boil over as dark clouds gathered.
