
McCain hung up the call with a disconcerted face.

Eddie asked anxiously, "Sir, are you sure? Is it true?"

"It can't be wrong." McCain shook his head. "The God-battling Team, the black-armored warriors and the three Wise Men were annihilated. Chen Beixuan even went after Mr. Clark and sank the nine battleships of the 17th Task Force."


Eddie was dumbfounded.

The news gave him a severe blow!

He was only an heir of the Lance family, so he had never encountered such a tremendous event like this.

It was a Task Force Fleet with a total of nine battleships! Even during the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese army had only destroyed forty American battleships. Since Chen Beixuan had destroyed a fourth of that number, was he trying to declare war on the United States!?

"I'm screwed, I'm screwed! How should I tell my father and grandfather?"

Eddie had no idea what to do.