The Astonishing Thunder!

Ten hours, nine hours, eight hours…

People who knew about it were all holding their breath, waiting for Chen Fan's decision. The underground world was betting ten billion dollars on Chen Beixuan's surrender.

Finally, during the last five hours.

A piece of news arrived at the Winter Palace. Chen Fan had boarded the USS Abraham Lincoln to meet the American officials!

The news stirred up the world once it came out!

The Japanese Martial Arts community was thrilled and countless of them were cheering.

"Chen Beixuan is going to surrender. He can't bear the pressure from the nuclear weapons and is going to yield to America!"

On the other hand, the Chinese Martial Arts community remained silent.

Even though they had expected this to happen, they still felt sad about it when the moment came.

"Even the invincible Chen Beixuan has to succumb to the power of the United States?"

Countless people heaved a sigh.