The Seven Forbidden Lands

It was the Russian General, Oleg.

The white-haired man was wearing an old military uniform, standing upright like a sword. As the guardian of Russia, virtually nothing could faze him, but he was looking very serious at the moment.

Oleg bowed and said respectfully, "Mr. Beixuan, according to the KGB and the Blood Wolf Guards, it seems that the Dark Duke is trying to wake the Blood Ancestor."

Chen Fan was as mighty as a superpower; even Oleg had to act politely.

Oleg thought that Chen Fan's skin was getting fairer and his eyes brighter. He had a brawny figure and long black hair, as if God had come to Earth.

"You're getting close to achieving the level of an Earth Level Deity."

Oleg was in awe.

Earth Level Deities were only a myth, like the Blood Ancestor and the Saints. If Chen Fan could attain that level, even the United States would be frightened.

"Are you sure the Blood Ancestor is still alive?" Chen Fan said calmly.