The Most Glorious Battle in a Thousand Years

Ye Qincang.

The founder of Kunlun and the most powerful warrior in China. Ever since he became a martial artist, he had defeated the Green Gang, the Hong Sect, the Dragon Hall, the Tantric Buddhism and the Lin family. He had ranked at the top in China for sixty years and was regarded as the guardian of the country.

Chen Fan was even stronger.

The top warrior on the Divine Roll, sixth in the world and with the might to defeat superpowers alone!

These two Overlords were going to fight it out under everyone's eyes.

The news rattled the world like an earthquake and was swiftly spread from China to Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Southeast Asia, Western Europe, North America, the Middle East…

In a blink, the entire world knew about it.

"Ye Qincang is going to fight with Chen Beixuan?"

"This will be a battle between the top warriors of two generations!"