The Battle of Deities

The black stele was a dozen feet tall and was made with shiny black gold. The top of it was surrounded by clouds and Dharmic powers, and it was still standing firm after a few thousand years.

Behind the stele was a passage stating the origin of Yingzhou Island.

"…Yingzhou Island, three hundred li large and 5,700 li away from the West Coast. There are Ganoderma Spirit Herbs, jades, and Spirit Water that helps people to attain longevity. The Lord of the East House and eighteen Heavenly Beings are the founders of the island which is independent from the Chinese cultivation world and is a sacred ground of Earth Level Deities…"

"So, the entire island is a secret place for Deities developed by a Lord of the East House and eighteen Earth Level Deities?" Chen Fan pondered and nodded.

The array outside of Yingzhou Island carried a certain amount of space energy.