The Blood Ancestor Arrived

"The Blood Ancestor is really here?"

People looked at the foot of Qin Chen Mountain and saw a young man in a black tuxedo with mysterious red prints on it. He had fair skin, black hair and handsome looks. Several prestigious envoys were also walking next to him.

The Blood Ancestor!

Seeing this young man, countless people were at a loss for words.

He had a pale face, fangs and a pair of bat wings; his companions were the Special Envoys from the superpowers. Although the Blood Ancestor wasn't in any myth or legend, who else would that be if it weren't him?

"He's a demon from Hell who killed thousands of people in the past. Compared to him, Damon the Blood Fiend was pure like an angel. His hands are soaked in human blood!" someone murmured as his hands trembled.

Those around pretended they didn't hear him.