Most Powerful of All


Elder Qijue was pushed back as he spurted out blood. His dagger cracked and exploded, and his shoulders, chest, thighs and arms were also bleeding.

Chen Fan was too powerful. Even though he only attacked with a finger, its energy was comparable to that of a nuclear explosion; not even an Earth Level Deity Body could withstand it.

In the end.


The True Essence exploded and Elder Qijue was blown into blood mist.

"How is that possible?"

Seeing this sight, Cold Moon Fairy, Overlord Fury and the others were stunned and even Changhe Sword Immortal looked over.

Elder Qijue was the elder of the Mieqing Sect and was an experienced Earth Level Deity, but Chen Fan defeated him with a finger? Was Chen Fan really someone from the mortal world?


A shadow suddenly came out of the blood mist and Elder Qijue appeared. He was looking pale and frightened.