
In the entire Blood Sea.

The outer part was red sea water while the inner part was a blood lake. The six Blood Ancestors were most likely sleeping at the center of the castle.


Chen Fan flew directly to the stronghold.

"Why are there so many ordinary people?"

Chen Fan frowned.

He had already sensed some weak energy traces around the castle.

These energies belonged to mortals; there were possibly hundreds of them inside.

"Are they guarding the six Blood Ancestors? But it doesn't make sense. Those who serve them should have at least a bit of dark energy, but these people are all mortals."

Chen Fan was startled.

He scanned the entire Blood Sea with his Immortal Will.

At first, his Immortal Will was unable to probe too far because the Yin Qi had previously blocked it; once he reached the lake, he was finally able to see everything inside the castle.