The Earth-shattering Nuclear Weapon!

"Susan, it's time to go home."

Logan, the old fisherman, told his daughter as he put away the fishing net.

The villagers of Merkava lived right next to the Blood Sea and had been fishermen for generations. There might not be many creatures in the Blood Sea, but there were some delicious whitebaits.

The blonde, tanned Susan looked up and was about to answer, but she suddenly widened her eyes and stared at something far away. There was a bright light at the center of the Blood Sea enveloped in mist.

The light was so bright that everything in front of her turned white.

Then, a white mushroom cloud rose with terrifying light and heat. It went straight to a few thousand meters in the sky like a volcanic eruption and could be seen clearly a hundred miles away. In the end, the impact and the sound came, lifting the mist above the Blood Sea and surging in all directions.

The Blood Sea was in chaos.