Astonishing the World!

Back to two hours before.

The United States was broadcasting Fang Qiong's trial live, and according to real-time statistics, seven hundred million people were watching it on their TVs, computers and cell phones.

Almost one in ten people on Earth was watching it! This broke the Guinness record and tied with the record of CCTV's Spring Festival Gala.

Soon, some news circulated on the Internet.

"Something strange happened in Jin City today. A beam of red light rose from the suburbs and flew to the East."

"Right, I saw it in Jin City. Many people around me were wondering if the country had launched a missile to attack Japan."

"I'm in Wu Zhou and we saw that too…"

Some Chinese netizens started talking about the crimson aura first. Chen Fan flew across several cities, including Jin City, Wu Zhou and Zhenhai.

Then, there was a commotion on the Japanese Internet.