Chen Fan Is His Name

Everyone in the world was wondering what the Superman of the Orient would look like. Some guessed that he was a wizened old sage with long flowy white beard and hair. Some were convinced that he was a divine warrior with a solemn and grim expression. The others thought that he was a deity all the while and who had presided above the clouds, watching over mortals for eternity.

However, no one had expected Chen Fan to be a young man of a seemingly ordinary appearance.

He was of average height, with defined features and pale skin, and wore casual outfits that cost no more than a thousand Yuan. He looked just like a college freshman.

"How old is he? Less than twenty years old?"

"A deadly murderer who slaughtered tens of thousands of people was a young man from Asia?"

"OMG, is he the one who forced the United States to its knees and claimed that he wouldn't stop killing until he was the last human standing on earth?"