Chen Beixuan, Who Are You?

According to Chen Fan's plans…

There were only three things he had to do in the Realm of Kunxu.

To save Lu Yanxue, find the Path of Heaven and kill warriors in Kunxu until they stopped despising the Earth! He had to recover and further cultivate to do all these things.

The storm in the space passage was too terrifying. Even after two weeks, Chen Fan was only halfway through his recovery. It would take at least three months for him to heal completely, so he desperately needed enough Spirit Medicines to create a peerless medicine.

"Heavenly Essence Herb? Nine Phoenix Dragon Fruit? Ice Lotus? These are all Treasure Medicines or Quai-Spirit Medicines and there are only a few in the entire Realm of Kunxu. Other than the ones kept in the Exalted Sects or found in the forbidden lands, we've never seen or heard of any of them."

After Chen Fan talked about the Spirit Medicines, the three masters of the Eastern River Sect turned pale.