The Gathering Of Talents

"That's Wu Tengshan from the Heavenly Thunder Sect. He's the heir of the Grand Elder from the Heavenly Thunder Sect and is only next to Tian Mingzi in terms of power. But I've also heard that he's a savage brute." Information along those lines was shared amongst the crowd.

As a major sect in Kunxu, the Heavenly Thunder Sect never lacked for outstanding young cultivators. Tian Mingzi would compete; he was closely followed by many of his peers.

Wu Tengshan wore an ugly grin on his face as he sauntered toward Chen Fan. Aggressive lightning energy zapped out from his eyes; it was apparent that he had reached the Divine Sea level. If he were on Earth, he would have ranked among the top five on the Divine Roll.

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes and asked, "I beat them up, do you also want to give it a try?"