Shaking the Realm of Kunxu

In the Realm of Kunxu, thousands of ancient settlements were scattered around a massive land tens of thousands of square miles in size. These settlements were controlled by sects or major families. Although the ordinary residences in Kunxu led simple lives that lacked exchange of information, the upper ruling classes were very well connected.

News about what had happened at Lantai Mountain was spread across the land like wildfire.

Everyone was stunned.

Such an event had been unheard of for thousands of years, ever since the sages arrived in Kunxu. Many people believed that the reign of the Seven Exalted Sects would last until the end of time.

"Who is Chen Beixuan?"

"I've heard that he's a young man in his twenties. It's unbelievable that he was able to kill the Thearch's Son and slaughter the overlords. I doubt that the Azure Mystic Sect Master could be his equal during his teenage years."