Is That All You’ve Got?


The Blade Qi pierced the sky like a dragon. Even from a distance, people could still feel the chill coming from its deadly edge. A shower of clinks and clanks was heard at the top of the mountain as countless small blades struck the ground, creating a jarring series of metallic sounds.

Many Earth Level Deities felt the seriousness in the air.

The Azure Mystic Sect Master's attack validated his claim for the seat of power. His Blade Qi was boundless, the Changhe Sword Immortal simply couldn't compare. The blow was so potent that not even the Elephant God Master dared to test it.

However, Chen Fan stepped forward with unwavering determination.

His skin was suffused with a golden glow. The glow flowed around like liquid all over his body and then it converged toward his right fist. Chen Fan hurled the fist out and landed on the hundred-meter long Blade Aura.
