One Against Seven


The old monk attacked Chen Fan with the Thunder Drum, creating an earth-shattering golden sound wave.

As for the leader of the Zi family, there were five fire dragons that looked realistic twining around his body. When he pointed at them, they immediately formed a giant fire net, trying to capture Chen Fan.

The Spirit Treasure of Fentian Valley.

"Five Dragon Whip!"

Lastly, the "Qingxu Qi Bell" was floating above the Sect Master of the Mixed-Essence Sect. It sent down beams of white light and each of them was formed with endless power which could break anything.

The Sect Master of the Mixed-Essence Sect then drew the white light rays to himself.

The rays of white light formed a white Heavenly Sword that slashed between Chen Fan and the Divine Thunder Plate. They were doing everything they could to avoid Chen Fan from getting it.

Otherwise, Chen Fan would be able to defeat them all.
