Bring Down The Yutian Palace

"That's Chen Fan!"

"He's still alive!"

Hearts of many people in Kunxu sank to a bottomless pit.

By then, Chen Fan had revealed his true form, with long flaming hair that burned with fury and righteousness. His golden skin was covered with deep gashes and a hole was punched into his chest. Half of his body was tainted by his faintly golden blood. However, he held his back straight and his gaze steady without any sign of defeat.

The citizens of Heavenly Capital looked up at Chen Fan with disbelief.

Tree supreme overlords had sacrificed their lifeforce to awaken the full power of their Spirit Treasures. The combined might of three awakened Spirit Treasures could annihilate an entire world, but it couldn't do away with Chen Fan.

"Impossible, impossible…"

Many people shook uncontrollably in utter disbelief.

"The Gods are no longer with us."