Nine Levels of the Golden Core

Golden Core!

The shining orb was the reason behind Perfected Cultivator Yunxiao's dominance over Kunxu, and what gave him an upper hand against Chen Fan. The orb basked the world in its golden brilliance.

Immense power was packed in the tiny space, making it look like a small sun.

"The difference between Golden Core and Connate Spirit is unbridgeable. Connate Cultivators only have one foot on the path of cultivation and will not last long in the vast space.

"However, a Golden Core is different."

Chen Fan looked at the orb wistfully as he glided his finger along its amber surface, feeling the crevasses that made up the zigzagging cloud patterns.

"Once a cultivator forms a Golden Core, he can be self-sufficient energy wise. Even if the Spirit Qi in the environment has completely depleted, he can escape to another planet, or create a dimension portal to another world.