
How terrifying was it when Chen Fan slashed with the power of the Golden Core?

A long crack appeared in the sky like God's eye. It was deep and there was a huge energy hidden behind. The crack extended from where Chen Fan was to the seven predators.

At that moment.

None of the predators were able to escape in time and were slashed by the black blade aura. Their leader then blocked it with its long tail.


When the blade aura flashed by…

The predators roared and the wave of Immortal Will made the air vibrate. The ground fell ten feet and half of the city collapsed.

Lu Yanxue watched with her eyes widened.

She saw that four of the seven predators had already been split in half. Their Golden Cores could survive the attacks of a Spirit Treasure but they couldn't resist in front of the blade aura. The universe was flooded with blood.