Who Is Chen Beixuan?

Chen Fan had been away for three years.

Many things had changed in those three years. Mankind was facing one of the biggest challenges it had ever faced. For most people on Earth, Chen Fan was nothing but a fading memory. However, Huo Tingshan had watched as Chen Fan had risen to power so he recognized him immediately.

"I… I thought you had died in the Realm of Kunxu." Huo Tingshan gaped at Chen Fan as if he were a dead man that had been brought back to life.

"I was just visiting Kunxu, who told you that I was dead?" Chen Fan let out a half smile as a cold light flashed across his eyes.

Huo Tingshan felt his hair stand on end as the memories of Chen Fan's ruthless methods rushed back to his mind. He screamed in his mind, "He's not a Senior Cultivator in seclusion, he is a fiend, a demon!"

The thought of hiring Chen Fan had also vanished from his mind.