Slaughtering on Earth

The Christian Church was defeated!

Countless people watched Chen Fan crack the sky and enter the Holy Cemetery. Eight descendants of the Light Race then surrendered to humanity under the lead of the silver-winged angel.

Then, the satellites captured traces of large-scale battles.

Those battles took place in Eastern Europe, North Africa and above the Atlantic Ocean. Apparently, those were the battles between Chen Fan and the most powerful Overlords. While everyone was feeling helpless, some news came, saying that the leader of the Wolf Gods and the God of Gold had died.

This time, the world was completely terrified.

All the alien races remained silent.

Many Entities hiding in the secret lands said with a pale face, "He's terrifying. How would there be such an Overlord in the world? Even in the ancient times, he'd be a famous, invincible figure."

Two hundred Entities, four of the most powerful Overlords and a True God.