Ruled the World

The battle in outer space finally ended and it caused a great furor all over the Earth. People and Martial Artists of the East and the West were celebrating.

Countless netizens posted comments on the Internet to express how excited they were.

But the secret lands and the superpowers were terrified.

The power Chen Fan showed was beyond everyone's imagination! He even destroyed the Mayan fleet. Who else would dare to offend him?

"The Titan lost? Lord Edlin is dead?"

Kolin seemed to have lost his soul.

The God-killing Warrior and the Titan were the most powerful forces the Mayans had, but they were both killed by Chen Fan.

"It's impossible. Even the strongest True God can't do that!" Kolin couldn't believe it, but he could only give a wry smile.

He thought he could set Chen Fan up.

But his plan didn't work at all in front of Chen Fan's absolute power.