The Banquet

Chen Fan was a heavy hitter in Zhuyan City by then.

Only a few people knew he had killed the Ancestral Patriarch of the Gu family and the seniors of the Golden Crow. With the help of Old Ding, Chen Fan could act as an envoy from the headquarters of the Golden Crow. So, Zhang Dongxu certainly had to invite him.

Chen Fan was interested in attending, to learn about the banquets on Planet Tianhuang.

In the evening.

The City Lord Mansion was lit up and countless servants and maids walked among the crowd. Chen Fan arrived in a black outfit with Old Ding.

This time, not only the seniors of Zhuyan City, even the descendants of the Grotto-heavens and the main families were also present.

"Master, Zhang Dongxu came from the Xukong Sect, one of the six Grotto-heavens. His Xukong Slaughtering Art is really powerful. The young elites always treat him respectfully since he's a disciple of a Grotto-heaven," Old Ding mumbled.