Fairy Shenxi

The Zangtian Plateau was located at the border of the Beihan Region and the other Barren Regions.

This was a chaotic area and many vicious beasts surged out when the Two World Peak opened every three centuries; nobody would dare to live there for that reason.

Chen Fan flashed across a few hundred thousand miles at once with Xiao Mang and reached the Zangtian Plateau. Once they got there, Chen Fan frowned and stopped.

"What's wrong? Brother?" Xiao Mang wondered.

"Look," Chen Fan said.

Xiao Mang looked up and saw the entire plateau had been enveloped by a dimensional storm. The sky was full of black cracks like deep scars. Some strange-looking monsters came out of them from time to time.

"The dimension around this area is very unstable. If you fly up there, one of the cracks might split you in half," Chen Fan said.

"Huh? Even you can't get through?"

Xiao Mang was startled.