Slaughtering Demons

The Five Reincarnation Art was a well known art from the Five Elements Immortal Sect.

However, it wasn't nearly as renowned as the Grand Five Reincarnation Art of Destruction. Only a Soul Formation cultivator could have utilized its unthinkable power. Although it barely reached a thousandth of a real Soul Formation Cultivator's strength, it was a formidable sight to behold.


Chen Fan suddenly turned into a wash of brilliant light and darted into the iridescent halo.

The hundred meter long halo rose higher into the zenith like a rising sun, basking everything under its brilliance. The Fiend Qi was feeble before its glorious presence; it shattered into pieces under its wake. The iridescent halo rolled onward and rammed into many fiend celestials.


The bright energy devoured nearly half of the fiends and demons in less than a second.