The World Was Shocked

The Blade Qi flashed by a million miles.

The Tianlan Region was countless states away from the Beihan Region, but Chen Fan used only a few seconds to get there. The slash went from Old China Town through twenty seven states, including the Yan State, the Yue State, the Lin State and the Shang State, and carried the supreme True Energy Chen Fan had been cultivating since he became a Golden Core Cultivator.

The thunderclouds in a thousand miles cracked open.

Countless fiend cultivators died.

The seven Fiend Lords had been split in half before they could even react.

"Oh my god!"

Many cultivators were dumbfounded. Even the elders and seniors of the Lin family couldn't believe it. The fiend cultivators even froze into statues.

"The Fiend Lords died just like that? How is that possible?"

Many elders of the Heart Devouring Sect, the Blood Fiend Sect and the Thousand Ghost Sect shook their heads and couldn't accept what they had just seen.