Unexpected Guests

"What's wrong?"

Yun Yier wondered.

She suddenly found that the entire Plateau of Ancient Deity became quiet once the name Chen Beixuan was mentioned. All the onlookers, Shan Wenshen and Fang Yan were speechless and Liu Xiang had turned pale.

Lin Wuhua and Mu Hongti were also confused.

They had just arrived in the Beihuang Region, so they didn't know how superior the name Chen Beixuan was.

"This is the Elixir Monarch?"

"Yes, I've seen videos of His Majesty. He looks the same as he was when he formed a pill with a thought."

"Oh god, the Elixir Monarch came to the Plateau of Ancient Deity in person. The gathering is going to be incredible. He's the only Elixir Monarch the Beihuang Region has had in the last thousands of years!"

Everyone murmured.

They all looked at Chen Fan in awe.