Taking Beihuang By Storm

The Beihuang Heavenly Region, City of Fallen Stars…

This newly built city was much smaller than its ancient counterparts. It only had a few hundred square kilometers, the same size as the Royal city of the Beihan Region. However, the scene inside the city screamed extraordinariness.

The City of Fallen Stars had been planned based on the constellations in the night sky. Each building corresponded to one shiny star, and each district a constellation. Its streets had been paved with stones that were covered by energy infused Astral Symbols.

Energy flowed through its streets and alleyways, creating a soft whir in the City of Fallen Stars. It sounded like countless monks reciting a sutra.

Above the city, the starry sky beamed rays of silvery light down at the city, basking the people inside with its serenity. The city was situated at such a unique place that it was under the star's brilliance all day long.