Frightening the Beihuang Region


The world went silent.

Outside Medicine City, countless cultivators, including those from the Alchemy Guild and the sisters of the Wu family—all of them watched a hundred miles turn into a sea of lava, dumbfounded.

The Solar True Fire was even transformed into fire fairies that flew around. People a few hundred miles away could also feel the heat and the mountain became a fiery mountain.

"That's terrifying. How can a Golden Core Cultivator do that?"

Elder Chenyan's hands shook and his eyes popped out.

No matter how powerful a Golden Core Cultivator was, he wouldn't have such a Divine Power, which turned the world into a sea of fire! The thirteen Grand Elders had even been burnt to ashes. Nobody would have believed it, but it actually happened right before their eyes.

"Is Chen Beixuan really an early-stage Golden Core Cultivator?" even Jiang Han wondered.