Who in the World Didn't Know Him?

Of the thirteen states in the Beihuang Region, the Zhenhai State was the largest. Large swaths of its land mass were occupied by lakes and swamps with countless ancient cities scattered across it.

The Luo family of Canglang City was one of the Seven Great Ancient Families. Although there had never been a Heavenly Lord in the family, it boasted an abundance of Grand Perfected Cultivators and over a hundred Golden Core Cultivators. A few thousand years in the past, one of their Ancestral Chiefs had attained a superior-grade Golden Core. Over all, the Luo family was no less powerful than the Zhao family of Beihan; it was a powerful force in its own right.


A giant Black Snake of the Red River flew across the sky. It stretched out its few thousand meter long body, forcing the other vehicles in the air to the side.