Who Would Regret It?

Elder Yuelon.

The Master of the Violet Moon Peak and a female elder than ranked fifth in the Reincarnation Sect; she was a total legend. She had become a Half Heavenly Lord a thousand years in the past and her power was unpredictable. Besides, she was especially known for her fiery temper.

Chen Fan was pretty grateful to this female elder. After all, during the three years Shenxi cultivated, she was the one who protected Xiao Mang.


Chen Fan nodded.

The two of them went to a platform on the Violet Moon Peak that was seventy-three thousand feet tall. This platform was a hundred feet large and was empty. There was only an old tree and a female cultivator who was sitting under it.

Chen Fan walked up.

He found that Elder Yuelon looked very young and didn't seem like an old woman who had lived thousands of years.