My Name Is Chen Beixuan

Many Heavenly Talents sat on the Divine Stage.

Although they were all Longevity Roll Heavenly Talents, their ranks also existed among them. Jun Aochen, Xiao Hong and Gu Xiaoyi sat at the center of the stage while the others surrounded them like stars would surround the moon.

Everyone knew that only the top ten cultivators on the Longevity Roll had a slight chance of becoming Heavenly Lords. However slim that chance was, that was a reality which set them apart from the rest of the cultivators on the list. Many old curmudgeons would only reach the top ten on the list and disregard the rest.

"Brother Aochen, I didn't expect to see you here. It has been thirty years since we met at the Northern Sea. You have improved your level of attainment by leaps and bounds. It's a shame neither Brother Huaixian nor the mysterious Chen Beixuan is here, otherwise, it would have been one hell of a party!" Gu Xiaoyi lamented.