One Punch!

Outside the Deity ground.

The top ten Nascent Soul Cultivators of Planet Tianhuang floated in the sky, letting out beams of light. On the other side, there were five Demon Commanders. They were all blocking the entrance of the Deity ground. Each of them let out surges of endless energy that swept the world in all directions. Many cultivators had to retreat; they couldn't even stand due to the pressure.

There were fifteen Nascent Soul Cultivators, in such a small area at the same time.

How terrifying was that?


Although the Nascent Soul Cultivators were hiding their Dharma Power, a little bit of invisible energy still managed to seep through and cracked the mountains. They were the incarnation of laws and their power filled dozens of miles, distorting the entire area. Holes appeared in the dimension and dimensional storms emerged from them.