Bloodbath in the Prison!

"What's going on?"

Nobody could stand still, as if there were an earthquake.

The prison heads were shocked. There had never been an earthquake in this hidden small world. Why did this happen? Was the small world going to collapse?

"Someone's attacking out there," a Golden Core Cultivator said seriously.

"That's impossible. This is Mount Emperor's prison. Who would attack us? Isn't he afraid that Mount Emperor would exterminate his family?" the commanders wondered as they flew out of the castle.

But it was too late.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The small world shook more and more violently. In the end, the ground cracked and a ray of golden light dashed inside.

Everyone looked up.

They saw a man in an azure gown inside the light ray. He had black hair and eyes, fair skin, and his hair seemed to be made of gold. Next to him was a young lady with long hair. She was surrounded by roaring True Dragons.