

After resting on the ground for a long time, Chen Fan finally sat up slowly. He was a bit relieved to have found out something about Fang Qiong, but he was still worried. After all, his parents, Fei Fei, Sister An and his grandpa were still missing. Did Master Cangqin take them away or were they lost somewhere on Earth? Chen Fan had to search for the truth.

Unfortunately, he was greatly injured, so he couldn't use the Grand Divine Power that involved karma anymore.

However, the Soul Tablet was still shining, meaning his loved ones were alright. Chen Fan was a bit relieved.

"I must heal quickly and start looking for them. If they aren't on Earth, Master has probably taken them with him, too. However, it's normal for him to take Xiao Qiong. She traveled with me across the universe in my previous life after all, but why did he also take Sister An, grandpa and my parents?" Chen Fan wondered.