The Most Beautiful Girl in the Jiang Nan Province

Jiang Feifei entered with Chen Fan; Lu Yang and Chu Yun then got up. They didn't care about Chen Fan, who didn't have any power, but Jiang Feifei came from the famous family in China, the "Jiang family," and her sister would probably become a Golden Core Cultivator. So, even the senior members in their families would have to be nice to her.

"Chen Fan, this is Chu Yun from the Chu family in Jiang Bei. His grandpa, Chu Tianxiao, is a famous Divine Sea Cultivator there and the Vice President of the Jiang Bei Cultivators Association. His uncle is even someone with a high ranking in the army.

"This is Lu Yang, Zhao Mingkong, Xiao Xuan…"

Jiang Feifei introduced them one by one.

Chen Fan glanced around and found that he had met most of them on the mountain in Chu Zhou City. Lu Yang even looked at him with an evil smile, but Chen Fan ignored him.