The Enemy

"The Dark Races weren't the only ones who attacked the North Qiong Sect!" What A'Xiu said astonished everyone else.

Even Tang Yifei and Chu Minhui widened their eyes. That was completely different according to the information they had received. According to A'Xiu, six years before, the world had just started changing and the Spirit Qi had just been restored.

All the members of the North Qiong Sect and the Deities in the Realm of Kunxu felt something was wrong.

In the end, Chen Huaian predicted with the "Thunder Soul Refinement Art" that the world was going to change and great danger was on its way, so he sent most members of the Chen family and ordinary people like Fang Qiong's parents to the Realm of Kunxu, where they would be guarded by Lu Yanxue. They thought the cultivators of the alien races like the Mayans might visit Earth, traveling all the way from their home planets through the Path of Heaven.